Illustration of a teacher holding a pointer and presenting a small robot, symbolizing the integration of AI in modern teaching methods.
Generative AI
Boonyawee Sirimaya
min read
August 20, 2024

How Are Teachers Really Using AI Today?

Teachers are increasingly integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their classrooms, leveraging its capabilities to enhance educational experiences and streamline administrative tasks. The use of AI in education is not just a trend; it is becoming an essential part of teaching and learning. Here are some key insights into how teachers are currently utilizing AI, based on recent discussions and research.

Current Usage of AI by Teachers

A survey revealed that nearly half of the educators are either currently using AI tools or are interested in adopting them. Specifically, 24% of teachers reported that they actively integrate AI into their lessons and teach students how to use these tools responsibly. 

Another 24% expressed a desire to incorporate AI into their teaching practices, indicating a growing interest in this technology among educators (Truth for Teachers, 2024)

Benefits of AI in Education

1. Personalized Learning: AI enables personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs. Adaptive learning platforms can assess a student's understanding in real-time and adjust the content accordingly. This customization helps students grasp difficult concepts at their own pace, fostering a more effective learning environment.

2. Automated Grading: The grading process can be significantly streamlined through AI. Tools like Gradescope utilize AI algorithms to evaluate student submissions and provide immediate feedback. This not only saves time for teachers but also enhances the learning experience for students, who benefit from timely responses to their work.

Gradescope interface showing automated grading of a chemistry exam question.
Automated grading of a student's Lewis structure drawing in Gradescope.

3. Lesson Planning: AI tools assist educators in creating engaging lesson plans and instructional materials. By inputting specific topics, teachers can receive tailored content suggestions, which helps them save time and focus on delivering quality instruction.

4. Virtual Tutoring: AI-powered virtual tutors provide additional support for students outside of the classroom. These tutors can adapt to individual learning styles, offering personalized assistance that complements traditional teaching methods.

5. Administrative Efficiency: AI can automate various administrative tasks, such as scheduling and communication, allowing teachers to dedicate more time to teaching and interacting with students.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite the benefits, there are notable challenges and concerns regarding the integration of AI in education. A significant number of teachers (71%) reported that their school districts lack clear guidelines or policies regarding the use of AI in classrooms. This lack of direction can lead to uncertainty and hesitance among educators about how to effectively implement AI tools.

Additionally, concerns about data privacy, security, and equity in access to AI resources are prevalent. Teachers are aware that while AI can enhance learning, it also has the potential to perpetuate biases and inequalities if not used carefully. Thus, educators must be proactive in shaping the narrative around AI and ensuring it is used ethically and effectively in schools.

The Role of Teachers in an AI-Driven Classroom

While AI offers numerous advantages, it is essential to recognize that teachers remain irreplaceable. The human element of teaching—empathy, understanding, and the ability to read students' emotional cues—cannot be replicated by AI. Teachers play a crucial role in fostering relationships and providing the social and emotional support that students need to thrive (John Spencer, 2024).

Moreover, as AI becomes more embedded in education, teachers must guide their students in becoming critical users of AI. This involves teaching students not only how to use AI tools but also how to understand their implications and limitations. By fostering critical thinking and ethical considerations, teachers can prepare students for a future where AI is pervasive (Bold, 2024).


The integration of AI in education is reshaping the teaching landscape, offering tools that enhance personalized learning, streamline administrative tasks, and provide additional support for students. 

However, the successful implementation of AI requires careful consideration of ethical implications and a commitment to maintaining the essential human element of teaching. As educators navigate this evolving landscape, they must remain informed and proactive, ensuring that AI serves as a beneficial tool in the classroom rather than a replacement for the invaluable role of teachers.

For more insights into how teachers use AI, you can explore the full discussion at Truth For Teachers and BOLD.

Consult with our experts at Amity Solutions for additional information on AI assistance here.