Futuristic AI robot head with glowing eyes against a dark background, with colorful light streaks. Text reads 'AI Trends in Thailand the Second Half of 2024
Boonyawee Sirimaya
min read
August 15, 2024

AI Trends in Thailand: Outlook for the Second Half of 2024

As we enter the latter half of 2024, Thailand is poised to ride the wave of the artificial intelligence (AI) global mega trend, with the aim of shifting from being an AI user country to an AI application creator (Forbes, 2024)

This transition is driven by the country's strong ecosystem of high-performance computing infrastructure, thriving data centers, and the continued development of skilled employees, research and development (R&D), and startups.

Upskilling the Workforce: A Key Priority

To achieve this goal, organizations in the public and private sectors are investing around 1 billion baht to develop a 30,000-strong workforce with AI skills by 2027, before increasing the number to 50,000 within five years.

Stylized illustration of a person using a laptop with 'Imagine Prompt' displayed, surrounded by tech icons, representing AI-assisted upskilling.
AI-driven workforce transformation

The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Nectec) is leading this initiative, collaborating with the Education Ministry to build related courseware for students. This investment in human capital is crucial for Thailand to become an AI application creator and meet the growing demand for AI skills in the workplace.

Embracing Generative AI: A Game-Changer

The use of generative AI at work has increased significantly globally over the last six months, with 75% of respondents admitting that they were already using AI at work. 

In Thailand, the number of workers using AI at work is even higher at 92%, much higher than the world average. This trend reflects the openness and eagerness of Thai office workers to learn about new technologies and integrate them into their daily work. (Nation Thailand, 2024)

Driving AI Innovation: Startups and Research

Thailand currently has around 300 AI startups that have raised a total of 1.5 billion baht in seed funding, with an AI workforce of roughly 1,000 people in the market. These startups are playing a crucial role in driving innovation and growth in the AI ecosystem. 

Additionally, Thailand is continuing its AI research and development for a Thai Large Language Model and AI-enabled applications (Bangkok Post, 2024).

Leveraging AI for Economic Growth

The AI wave is still in its early stage and is a game-changer for Thailand's economy. By building sufficient people with useful AI skills to serve the demand, Thailand can transform the country and increase its GDP. 

The Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand (AIAT) and the Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur Association of Thailand (AIEAT) are collaborating with Nectec to continue developing the ThaiGPT large language model and drive the use of AI in eight sectors.

Addressing Challenges: The Talent Gap

Despite the promising landscape, Thailand faces challenges in meeting the demand for AI talent. A recent survey indicated that 74% of Thai business leaders prioritize hiring candidates with AI skills over those with more experience. (Nation Thailand, 2024)

However, the current output of AI engineers is insufficient to meet market needs, with only 200 engineers being developed annually against a demand for 30,000. This talent gap highlights the urgency for educational institutions and training programs to ramp up their efforts in AI education and skill development. (Bangkok Post, 2024)

AI and Economic Growth: A Path Forward

The integration of AI into Thailand's economy is expected to significantly boost GDP. The AI market in Thailand is projected to grow by 28.55% in 2024, driven by increased adoption of AI technologies across various industries. 

This growth is not only a testament to the potential of AI but also reflects the country's commitment to becoming a regional leader in AI applications. By fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, Thailand can enhance its competitive edge in the global market. (Statista, 2024)

Chart: AI market growth in Thailand, 2020-2030, from $474M to $4,291M.
AI Market Size in Thailand from year 2020-2030 by Statista Market Insights

The Role of AI in Media and Content Creation

As AI technologies evolve, their impact on media and content creation is becoming increasingly significant. The rise of generative AI is reshaping how content is produced and consumed in Thailand, with creators leveraging AI tools to enhance their storytelling and engagement strategies. 

This trend is particularly relevant in the context of the fragmented media landscape, where understanding audience preferences and delivering tailored content is crucial for success. (Cision, 2024)


Thailand's AI ecosystem is poised for significant growth in the second half of 2024, driven by investments in upskilling the workforce, embracing generative AI, and fostering innovation through startups and research. 

By addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by AI, Thailand can successfully transition from an AI user country to an AI application creator and drive economic growth through the power of artificial intelligence.

Consult with our experts at Amity Solutions for additional information on Generative AI and Chatbot here