TRAG Overview

The Thai Retrieval Augmented Generation (TRAG) Benchmark is designed to comprehensively evaluate the performance of large language models (LLMs) in understanding and generating human-like responses in the Thai language. This page provides a detailed explanation of the benchmark's structure, evaluation criteria, and scoring methodology.

Benchmark Structure

The TRAG Benchmark consists of 56 test cases, 8 categories, and 7 distinct scenarios.
Each test case comprises a user query and its corresponding document context. The distribution of the test cases is as follows:

  • Airline – Airline policies and procedures, such as seat reservation, ticket pricing, promotion deadlines
  • Automotive – Automotive knowledge, such as vehicle accessories, load capacity, current promotions
  • Bank – Banking knowledge, such as required documents for account closure or authorization, procedures for closing savings accounts and opening new accounts
  • CRM – Membership knowledge, such as how to sign up, check points, use points, and calculate reward points
  • Health Care – Medical knowledge, such as dental care for patients and medications for hypertension
  • Human Resources – Employee healthcare benefits, including insurance coverage, reimbursement policies, and specified healthcare providers
  • IT Gadget – User questions, including mobile phones with excellent cameras and a comparison between smartphones
  • Tech Support – LAN configuration, password retrieval, and WiFi router setup

Evaluation Criteria

The TRAG Benchmark assesses the performance of LLMs across several key dimensions:

Factual Consistency

The generated response must be factually consistent with the information provided in the document context. If the answer is not found within the given context, the model is expected to respond with "ขออภัยค่ะ ไม่พบข้อมูล".

Language Quality

  • Responses should be in Thai and free of grammatical, spelling, or wording errors.
  • The tone should be polite and formal, with sentences ending in "ค่ะ".
  • Proper sentence structure and well-formed responses are expected.


Responses should be in plain text format without any markdown or special formatting.

Response Speed

Models are expected to generate responses within a 15-second time limit.

The TRAG Benchmark employs a two-step scoring process:

Benchmark Results

The TRAG Benchmark leaderboard showcases the performance of various LLMs on the benchmark.
The leaderboard is regularly updated as new models are evaluated on the benchmark.

  • LLM Judge Overall – The overall accuracy of each model in generating answers, considering factors such as correctness, grammar, translation, and additional constraints, as judged by GPT-4-2024-05-13.
  • Accuracy of Unanswerable Questions – The model's ability to accurately respond with "Not found" when the necessary information is not present in the document, as judged by GPT-4-0613.
  • Accuracy of Answerable Questions – The model's ability to provide correct answers when the necessary information is present in the document, as judged by GPT-4-0613.
  • Response Time (sec) – The average time each model takes to generate a response.
Get Started with TRAG Benchmark

Explore the forefront of Thai language AI with the TRAG Benchmark, a pioneering evaluation platform meticulously designed to assess and enhance the capabilities of Language Learning Models (LLMs). By rigorously evaluating models across diverse dimensions and test case categories, TRAG empowers researchers and developers to benchmark, refine, and innovate their AI solutions. Join us in driving the future of Thai language AI technology. We encourage researchers and developers to utilize the TRAG Benchmark to evaluate and compare the performance of their models, contributing to the advancement of Thai language AI technology.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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